Letters from Lodi
An insightful and objective look at viticulture and winemaking from the Lodi
Appellation and the growers and vintners behind these crafts. Told from the
perspective of multi-award winning wine journalist, Randy Caparoso.

Lodi launches LoCA campaign
One of the vivid images of Lodi's new LoCA campaign
Lodi, CA (October 19, 2011) – If you see the word LoCA in an advertisement or billboard over the next few months, don’t worry — Lodi’s growers and wineries have not gone crazy. They’re simply telling the world how thrilled they are about the wines they produce, and how much they love sharing a taste of their life in Lodi — such an ideal place for grapes and people.
LoCA is code for Lodi, California, and the growers and wineries in the Lodi American Viticultural Area want consumers to know exactly where that passion comes from: a tradition of farming going back well over a century. Most of Lodi’s leading winegrowers, in fact, are in their fourth, fifth and even sixth generation of families who first arrived during the halycyon days of the California Gold Rush. Put that together with the fact that Lodi is also the largest and most productive winegrowing region in the U.S., and then ask the simple question: can any other American wine region compare? Of course, not.Which is why Lodi’s winegrowers will be running with their newly coined LoCA identity. Fourth-generation Lodi grower Richard Lauchland says, “This area is passionate, even a little obsessed, about growing and making great wine, so we want everyone to learn more about our wines, visit our wineries and know that this is one of the most accessible and authentic wine communities in the country.”
The LoCA campaign, launching today, will include print advertisements in national and regional magazines and newspapers, billboards, online banner ads, social media and more. A new Web site and smart phone application have been developed to further the campaign; making it easy for consumers to learn about the many wine varieties produced in the Lodi wine region, the location of area wineries and tasting rooms, and to create more fans of Lodi wines.
“The response to this campaign from focus groups and consumers has been extremely positive,” said Mark Chandler, Executive Director, Lodi Winegrape Commission. “It is memorable, it is fun, and it perfectly positions our wines and our community exactly as they are – real and approachable.”
Living the LoCA life...