Letters from Lodi
An insightful and objective look at viticulture and winemaking from the Lodi
Appellation and the growers and vintners behind these crafts. Told from the
perspective of multi-award winning wine journalist, Randy Caparoso.

Dale Goff’s favorite (and most spectacular) images of Lodi in 2014
Dale Goff of Goff Photography is one of Lodi’s most accomplished professional photographers. Mr. Goff, in fact, has been photographing the Lodi American Viticultural Area for going on 20 years.
Dale Goff
Says Goff, “This past year was as wonderful as the first… the Lodi Winegrape Commission, in fact, was my first major account in the Lodi area, and we’ve enjoyed a fruitful relationship ever since.”
Mr. Goff’s commercial and advertising jobs take him everywhere in Lodi wine country. Pondering the past year, he tells us, “It's an honor to share my favorite photos of Lodi for 2014. My wife is a third generation Lodian, and my children are now proud to be the fourth generation to call Lodi their home.”
Part of staying on top of his profession is staying innovative. Goff tells us, “By far the most exciting opportunity for my photography this year was adding a drone to our tool bag. It has inspired my creative nature. The very first project that I envisioned was showing my love of Lodi and featuring it's wonderful landmarks.”
Click on the image above to enjoy a magnificent bird’s eye view of Lodi landmarks from Goff’s meandering drone/camera-in-the-sky:
Here are some of Mr. Goff’s favorite images of Lodi seen through his camera lens in 2014, along with his comments:
Late September: We toasted our local winemakers and wines at the SIP SAVOR LODI dinner running up and down Downtown Lodi’s Pine St.
September photo by Dale Groff: lodiwine.com’s Randy Caparoso presenting trophy/magnum of Zinfandel to 2014 “Lodi Wine Tasting Champion” at SIP SAVOR LODI event at Wine & Roses Hotel.
June: Ironstone Vineyards’ Joe Valente talks about sustainable viticulture – something in which the Lodi winegrowing industry has led the nation – with local teachers, who in turn will be teaching sustainability to their students.
September: 2014 was all about the drought, with water usage on everyone’s mind.
October: How brown did you let your lawn go in order to conserve water?
May: The Van De Pol brothers shared their knowledge of the dairy industry, so important to Lodi.
March: Bruce Mettler shows off his winning bid at the San Joaquin Farm Bureau's annual wine auction.
Signs of May: At the annual Lodi ZinFest, it is very hard to get lost.
October from above Lodi Lake: Our dear General Mills plant will be closing – how we will miss the evenings with the magical smell of Cheerios or Cocoa Puffs in the air.
September: The trees around Lodi Wine & Visitor Center sure have grown since opening all those years ago.
Among the many everyday things that make Lodi such a beautiful place to live!